2011年1月22日 星期六

第六屆「金甘地越野嘉年華」(Go Gold Race 2011)

Finding people to join this.....

My bike

want to change my bike
cause is too heavy

Buying sport gear (1)

No money la

(Training) Jan 2011

Cause i need to have a school exam, so i put less time in training
start training from JAN 10th

10/1: Run 3k (腳痛)
13/1: Run 10k
14/1: Run 3k
16/1: Hike 12k
18/1: Bike 10k, Run 3k
19/1: Run 10k (慢跑--1:00:xx)
20/1: Bike 12k
22/1: Hike 15k, Bike 18k

Total: Run-26k

(Race) boxing day run 2010

this is a great race
because we run boxing day^^
although this race only have 4K, but the race is very difficult.....

Timing: 21:45
Overall ranking :96/306
must join it next boxing day

(Race) team challenge 36 2010


Finish the team challenge 36, our team finish at around 2 o'clock.....
we just use around 6 hours
and our rank is 8th runner up
we all work hard in the race, and enjoy the race very much
much join in the coming year

Timing: 6:xx:xx
hei (18/12/2010)

Start to using blogger

Start to using blogger
I will try to write the blog everyday.......